Monday, October 31, 2011

Interesting Game Related to Disease

This game demonstrates a lot of stuff that we learned in class and i found it really interesting how much i can relate to class when we learn some of the stuff that i saw in the game. In this game you get to a disease and try to spread it and you get to experience how it is spread, ect.

Class 10/31

Today in class we handed in our quiz corrections that we did over the weekend. After we discussed the disease of the day which was malaria. Then we continued our labs and recorded the data so we can finish UP 13-18 for homework. If you had started these pages over the weekend it shouldn't be a lot of homework. And also we have to read 35.2 with tree map and that is due wednesday. And of course if you don't know what a tree map is or how to do one, you can find it on moodle! So again our homework is
1- Finish labs UP 13-18: Due tuesday
2- Read 35.2 with tree map: Due wednesday


Class 10/28

Today in class we discussed the disease of the day which was influenza. After the discussion we had our quizzes handed back. We talked about the scores and mrs.stein did give us an option to earn back some points. To earn back the points we had to to quiz corrections. The format of the quiz corrections is to the right in the picture. And these are due monday!!! After we set up a new lab. The instructions and analysis are in UP 13-18. And thats apart of our homework too. We have to get started on these pages however you won't be able to finish it because we have not recorded the data yet! So it will be due on tuesday! So again our homework is
1- Get started on UP 13-18
2- Quiz corrections due monday

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Scribe 10/27

Today in class, we reviewed the differences and similarities between Bacterial and Viral diseases. After reviewing the differences, we took our quiz on Chapter 20, and section 35.1. The homework is UP 12. The disease of the day was Schistosomiasis.

Viral Diseases:
destroys cell by interfering with DNA
destroys cells by bursting them
NOT treated with antibiotics

release toxins
treated with antibiotics
can be controlled

may be prevented by antibiotics
mutate, adapt, evolve
destroys cells

caused by pathogens
disrupts homeostasis
spread in similar ways

Next Scribe is... Paul Salay

Aspirin may cut colon cancer risk by 60%

This is another article about colon cancer, however studies show Aspirin cuts the risk by 60% !!! So those who were at risk for colon cancer, check this website out!


Today we discussed BACTERIA!!! Here are the notes from class...

Bacteria Notes 10/26
View more presentations from Deb.
We also did our DISEASE OF THE DAY! Cholera is a bacterial disease that causes terrible diarrhea. The bacteria attacks the intestine prevent it from absorbing water. The result in the individual will die of dehydration within a matter of days. The disease is spread by contaminated water and is more common in parts of the world with poor sanitation. Fortunately, we have antibiotics that can treat cholera if they are administered early enough!
After our discussion of bacteria, we began a video on bacteria. It is important to remember that not all bacteria are pathogenic. Many bacteria perform countless useful tasks for us. Bacteria are used for food production, they aid in our digestion, and they play an important role in the ecosystem.
Remember... bacteria are EVERYWHERE! There are more bacteria in your body than there are cells in your body! They are tiny and they reproduce very quickly.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Antibiotic Cancer Treatment?

This is an article about colon cancer and how there is a study being conducted to see if they couldtreat the colon cancer with antibiotics!
Today (10-25-11) in clase we handed in our Cancer paper stapled to our rubric. We also truned in the stampsheets and disscussed the lab we did yeterday. We started out the class talkng about What a virus is?

  • made of proteins (caspids) and nucleic acid (genetic material): DNA/RNA

  • NOT LIVING. Don't use energy, spread to forcing cells to make copies of them, and not cells

  • Parasites: take over cells, require a host cell to exsist

  • Gene Expression: making of proteins.

Then we talked about viruses reproduced by the lytic cycle or the lysogenic cycle

The picture on the right is a picture of a lytic cycle. As you can see virus first attaches it to the host (cell). Then releases the virus into the cell and attack the bacteria. Then start to make new tail fiber and then bursts out to spread the virus throught the body.

The Picture on the left is a picture of both lytic cycle and lysogenic cycle

The picture here shows us that the virus in the lysogentic cycle is attaching itself to the host's DNA. Then the cell replicates with the viral DNA. Lastly, the DNA exits host and make new viruses.

The homework was to read 20.2 and do correll notes on the chapter.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Scribe Post

Today in class 10/24/11 we took a reading check on section 20.1. We then started the who infected whom lab. This lab was about a new disease that was going around gbs and we had to find out the web of infection like a epidemiologist. A epidemiologist is a scientist who traces the spread of a disease.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Scribe Post

Today in class 10/21/11 we watched a movie called Surgery - Semmelweis and Lister. This movie is about a scientist that figures out a reason why so many women died while giving birth. He noticed that more women died when people who performed an autopsy delivered the baby. Semmelweis came up with the hypothesis, If you do or do not perform autopsy, then the chance of a women dying while giving birth will or will not go down. Some interesting facts were it took 6 years for death rates to drop from 30% to 1% while women were giving birth.

Our homework is The Cancer Paper is due 10/25 and Read 20.1 and write 6 types of questions. Must give complete answers. Due 10/24

Friday, October 21, 2011

scribe post

Today the class started a new unit disease and immunity. the first thing that was done in class was we had our first disease of the day. todays disease was AIDS. we had a disscusion about disease and shortly disscussed AIDS. We talked about the spead of disease then watched a video about child bed fever, it showed how the a man realized that if you washed your hands you were less likely to spread disease.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

HIV cured

A 45 year old man from germany aquired HIV in 1995 and he also had Leumekia. In 2007 he recieved a bone marrow stem cell transplant from a donor who was immune to HIV. About 1% of caucacasians are immune to HIV. The possible cause of the immunity came from the people who survived the plague and passed it down through genes. The day he got the transplant he stopped taking his medication for HIV and he hasn't taken it since. He is cured! It has do do with white blood ceels being uninfected and transplanted, then they become the immune system. This cure is complicated because of the difficulty finding a donor match and doing the transplant. They will test this solution much more soon.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Muddiest Point

My muddiest point is what is osmosis i can't understand the definition of it very well.


Muddiest point is prophase cell stage where does the centrioles start giong to the poles ?

Cell Cycle Extra Credit!

Hey Guys... this is a REALLY fun game about the cell cycle... I hope you enjoy it! Click on this link to play it. WHO is the "Cell Division Supervisor" who is controlling everything in the game? First 3 people to EMAIL me the answer will get EXTRA CREDIT! Enjoy!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Scribe! Thursday and Friday, October 13 and 14

On Thursday and Friday in class, we mainly focused on looking under microscopes for mitosis in the tip of an onion root cell. The first thing we did on thursday was view a quick slideshow of mitosis, which can be found on Moodle. On Thursday with the Onion Root Tip Lab, we looked for the phases of mitosis in them, which are Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase. Then on Friday with the same lab, we counted the amount of cells we were able to see with the microscope and use that number to complete UP 48-51, which was our homework, as well as to read section 10.3 as well as UP 52B-52D and use a multi-slow map as a reading strategy.

Muddiest Point- PatrykS

The muddiest point for me is what excacly is a daughter chromatid?

JoeM's Muddiest Point

What's the difference between chromosomes, chromatids, and chromatin?

AndrijanaA's Muddiest Point

My muddiest point in this unit was the difference between the nucleus and the nucleolus. I get their functions mixed up. Can someone please explain? Thanks.


Friday, October 14, 2011

Muddiest piont- MattD

Im confused about chromosomes and chromatids, are they the same thing?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

SaraP's Muddiest Point

My muddiest point is during mitosis, when is the nucleus visible and when is it not. Also, when is the nuclear membrane visible and when is it not. I am confused on why it disappears and then reappears.


Muddiest Point- Sammy K

I'm kind of confused on what Chromatids and Chromatins are.

Muddiest Point- Sammy K

I'm kind of confused on what Chromatids and Chromatins are.

BreckM's Muddiest point

I am having trouble remembering the difference between diffusion and osmosis. If anyone has anything to help me understand it better that'd be great!


Muddiest Point

My muddiest point is the overall sections we read on ATP and ADP. I really don't understand what ATP is and the difference of ATP and ADP is.

My Muddiest Point

My muddiest point is visualizing each step of mitosis.

Peter F's Muddiest Point

Where does the energy from ATP go? Does it only service it's own cell? ...and why does having only two molecules of phosphate in ADP have less energy, as opposed to having three in ATP?

AndyD's Muddiest Point Cells

Im having trouble with the difference of ATP and ADP.

Answer to muddiest point to KevinL

Since my account won't let me comment on anything im just gonna post the answer.

ADP is when energy is in lose of a phosphate molecule and it only has two of those molecules. With ATP the connection betweeen the third phosphate molecule and the second is very strong and creates lots of energy. Since ADP dosen't have this third molecule it dosen't get as much energy as ATP.

Muddies Point

My Muddiest Point is on the stages of Interphase I still don't get what happens during each phase. Please Help thanks.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Muddiest Point

im still confused on the difference between ATP and ADP

My Muddiest Point

Cells are very confusing for me because there are so many different parts to it. I think one of my muddiest points is sister cells and daughter cells. What do they do or what are they? Also, what is the difference between chromatin and chromosomes? Overall, I think cells are very confusing. Please help me!

Jessie W.

GabbyM's Muddiest Point

My muddiest point is how does pH affect the cell? Also, I'm still a bit confused about what the difference is between ADP and ATP. Thanks for the help!

My Muddiest Point

My muddiest point this unit is understanding how daughter cells split apart after mitosis. Can anyone help me out?
Paul S

AndyD Scribe Class 10/12/11

Today in class we reviewed Mitosis!

Since Today was a late arrival the class didn't have too much time for really anything, at the beginning of class we discussed the process of Mitosis. Mitosis- Is the process by which a eukaryotic cell separates the chromosomes in its cells nucleus to form 2 identical cells. After discussing the Mitosis we did an activity using a sort of flash cards with the steps of Mitosis on it. Over here -----------> is a picture of the correct order of the green flash cards and the steps of Mitosis.

H.W for today- U.P. 44-47

Next Scribe- Jessica.

AndyD Scribe Class 10/7/11

Today In Class We Conducted our Enzyme Lab Expieriments!

In the lab we conducted we wanted to see how temperature affected enzymes effect on making chemical reactions faster. Enzyme- A protein that speeds up chemical reactions that take place within a cell.

The enzyme used in our lab was called Catalase. Catalase is an enzyme that speeds up chemical reactions. Our lab was based on how our enzyme (Catalase) affected the bubbling of hydrogen peroxide when mixed with catalase in different temperatures. Each lab group/table was given a different temperature to test the affect of Catalase in their temperatures being almost boiling Hot and piping Cold! To see images of the lab please refer to another periods blog because I forgot my camera that day :(

Next Scribe will be- PeterF

Monday, October 10, 2011

Class on 10/10/2011

Today in class we discussed the PLASMOLYSIS LAB. We went over what the cells should have looked like when both normal and plasmolyzed. Observations should have looked like this:

Normal Elodea Leaf

Plasmolyzed Elodea Leaf (Salt Water)

The ENZYME LAB was discussed and is due tomorrow. Data:

Group Name Temperature (Centigrade) Height of Bubble Column (mm)


•Osmosis - the process by which water diffuses through a semi-permeable membrane.
•Equilibrium - a state of physical balance; forces or influences are balanced.
•Cytolysis - (cyto means cell; lysis means break) The disruption or dissolution of a cell, due to the
rupture of the cell membrane

Now, for the rest of the unit, the topic will be cancer. We took a survey online and filled out a chart in our UP on page 55. The survey can be found here . There is a cancer research paper due on 10/25. The chart will be needed for the paper. The rubric was handed out in class, ask Mrs. Stein for a copy if needed.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sammy K Scribe 10/6/11

The first thing we did today in class was the Cell Quiz.

What we learned today in Class:
  • Catalysts: A substance that speeds up a Chemical Reaction (H2O2 w/ Catalase)
  • Catalysts decrease the amounts of energy needed to start the chemical reaction and it does not get used during the reaction.
  • Enzyme: They are different than acatalysts because it takes place in living organisms.
  • And enzymes are affected by changes in pH, Temperature, and substrate concentration.
After we had leaned about Enzymes and Catalysts we started to work on our lab.

On our lab we put 2 elodea leaves on opposite ends of the slide and put 2 to 3 drops of tap water on one side and 2 to 3 drops of 6% salt water on the other.
When we put the slides under the microscope we had to observe where the cell wall, cell membrane, and chloroplasts were on both elodea leaves.

FINISH UP 36-37 (Page 211 to Help!)

next scribe:
(I don't know where the list is for the people who hadn't been scribe yet)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Class on 10/05

Today in bio we did a couple things. The first thing we did was a Diffusion Lab. We took a cellophane tube, which acted as the cell membrane, and we filled it with 20 drops of starch and 5 drops of glucose. We submerged it in 400 mL of water and let the tube sit for 15 minutes. While the tube was sitting, we learned about the cell (plasma) membrane and how it was selectivley permeable. This quicly led back into the lab we were doing. We went back to the lab tables and dipped a piece of tes tape in the water. This proved there was glucose present in the water. Then, we looked at the tube which was purple/blue which meant the starch was still in it. This showed us how the Cell Membrane is selectively permeable by letting the glucose through while keeping the starch in. Tonights homework is to 1) finish the lab questions, 2) finish the enzyme prelab, and 3) STUDY for the quiz on cell parts!

Tomorrows scribe is Sammy K

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

class on 10/4

We started class with Mrs. Stein assigning our homework which was to make two definition maps of the two words you were given. We did cell organelle review which should be on moodle. we looked at our notes from last night and talked about the lesson. we learned ATP is a chemical molecule that stores and releases energy. also a chemical equation should always have reactants first then products. we learned to get from ADP to ATP we need to add phosphate from food. cells release energy by breaking phosphate. also in order for chemical reactions oxygen is needed. after we reviewed she gave us five minutes to start our pre lab sheet.

Class on 10/3

Today we started off by taking a pop quiz that ended up not counting for our grade. Mrs Stein made a story about a cake factory and we had to make anologys to the cell parts. Everyone was very worried about doing bad on it, but was relieved after she told us it is not for a grade. After that we did a powerpoint with brief notes on parts of the cell, which is all on moodle. Then we learned how to do the SQ3R notes, and that is the homework for tonight. (8.1, 9.1, 9.2) The SQ3R stands for survey, question, read actively, recite what you learned, and review the main ideas.

Class on 9/28 and 9/30

on Wednesdays class we discussed cells by by starting with an activity that we were suppose to match them in levels of complex and organization , it started with Atom>Molecule>Organelle>Cell>Tissue>Organ >Organ system
and then we started the lab.
The Lab was about Viewing the differences of animal cells and plant cells. we looked at 4 different types of cells
Elodea Leaf- Image Detail  wich is a plant cell and those green organelles are chloroplasts.400x
Human cheek Cell-Image Detail this is a human cheek cell with the nucleus in the center of the cell.400x
Onion epidermis Cell-this is the onion cell and it seems to have similar Cell wall like the elodea leaf but the Onion had a major DIFFERENCE it has no CHLOROPLASTS.400x
Frog Blood cells-  this is the frog blood cell these were very easily to identify the nucleus. other organelles were not visible from this range.400x
After we finished our lab we cleaned up and had to finish the lab and lab analysis questions.